think big and
take action
The Capitol Hill Community Foundation awards grants to nonprofits, schools, and neighborhood groups to support programs and projects that benefit residents of the Capitol Hill neighborhood.
We invite organizations and institutions serving the Capitol Hill community to apply for our seasonal and other grants in the following core areas:
Schools and Teachers: Educational enrichment activities and supplies
Youth Programming: Out-of-classroom activities for K-12 students
Arts and Culture: Music, theater, and visual arts programs
Social Services: Support for health care, housing, legal issues, and well-being
Community Spaces: Enhancements for vibrant public places
We only consider grant applications that benefit the Capitol Hill community. See the Guidelines below for instructions on how to apply for these grants.
See Past Grantees for a list of our most recent grants.
Grants guidelines
We award seasonal grants of up to $3,000 in November and May each year. The corresponding grant submission deadlines are the last Monday in September and March.
Fall and Spring Grants support programs in our core areas within the Capitol Hill neighborhood: schools and teachers, youth programming, arts and culture, social services, and community spaces. Applicants are asked to identify which of the Foundation’s core areas is addressed in their proposal.
To be eligible for a Fall Grant, recipients of the prior season’s Spring Grants must complete and submit their grant self-evaluation. Self evaluations are due the week prior to each new grant deadline.
Introduced in 2023, Innovation Grants of $5,000 to $15,000 are awarded in November and May of each year. The corresponding grant submission deadlines are in September and March. Applications are reviewed on the same time schedule as the Fall and Spring Grants.
Innovation Grants reward organizations for innovative thinking and programming beyond their normal activities. Specifically, the grants encourage leaders of new or existing initiatives to seek creative ways to develop effective programming, serve new audiences, and/or attract new partners. We anticipate making four or five Innovation Grants per funding round.
All proposals must demonstrate how the initiative supports one of our core areas in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Organizations may apply for a Fall or Spring Grant for their normal programming while also applying for an Innovation Grant for a new program that extends its reach.
In the fall we honor the memory of a Foundation colleague by awarding a $10,000 Bill Phillips Grant for Social Services. The grant supports programs that address health care, housing, legal issues, and well-being for Capitol Hill residents.
Organizations that apply for a Fall Grant in support of social services are automatically considered for the Bill Phillips Grant. While no additional application is required, preference will be given to Fall Grant applications that detail how the additional Bill Phillips Grant will be used to support their programming.
To be considered, apply for a Fall Grant in the social services category.
The John Franzén Grant for the Arts is a single $25,000 grant awarded each year. The deadline for submitting a letter to apply for this grant is Monday, October 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The Foundation typically announces the grant award by February and presents it in the spring at the Capitol Hill Community Achievement Awards ceremony.
The Foundation established the John Franzén Grant to commemorate a long-time board member and devoted supporter of the Capitol Hill community and the arts. The grant supports novel visual, performing, and architectural/design arts programs that can cultivate new audiences and enhance community life on Capitol Hill.
Download instructions for the application letter to get started. Please note: The letter should be no more than four pages.
To be considered, please email your application letter to weinheimer@aol.com or mail a hard copy to:
Mark Weinheimer
Chair, CHCF Grants Committee
419 East Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003If you have questions about the Franzén Grant application letter, you may contact Mark Weinheimer at weinheimer@aol.com
The Keller Grant is a single $25,000 grant awarded each year. Similar to the Innovation Grants, the Keller Grant supports the creation or expansion of major initiatives with potential to significantly benefit the Capitol Hill community. The deadline for submitting a letter to apply for this grant is Monday, October 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The Foundation typically announces the grant award by February and presents it in the spring, at the Capitol Hill Community Achievement Awards ceremony.
For this grant, the Foundation gives preference to organizations that have previously received Foundation support and address a timely community need. For example, recent winners of the Keller Grant have used the funds to increase assistance for unhoused neighborhood residents, assist vulnerable populations during the COVID pandemic, celebrate the centennial of Eastern High School’s building, and expand literacy programs in elementary schools on Capitol Hill. Please note: Organizations submitting proposals in the area of arts and culture should apply for the Franzén Grant.
Download instructions for the application letter to get started. Please note: The letter should be no more than four pages.
Please email your application letter to weinheimer@aol.com or mail a hard copy to:
Mark Weinheimer
Chair, CHCF Grants Committee
419 East Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003If you have questions about the Keller Grant application letter, you may contact Mark Weinheimer at weinheimer@aol.com
Mini-Grants of up to $500 are considered and awarded throughout the year, usually for a one-time or emergency need. The applicant must show how the grant will be used to benefit residents of Capitol Hill.