neighborhood we love

making a difference for the

For over 30 years, Capitol Hill residents and businesses have joined together to build our community foundation.

“Philanthropy” is often understood to be large gifts by wealthy donors. In our neighborhood, philanthropy is redefined as many more modest contributions of time and money. All these donations from neighbors add up.

Funded entirely by annual donations from members and friends of the community, the Foundation proudly directs every dollar contributed to grants. All administrative costs are covered by the members of the Board of Directors. More than $11million has been raised and distributed to our community in grants.


Nicky Cymrot, president
Floyd Mills, vice president
Mark Weinheimer, secretary
Steve Daniels, treasurer

Gary Abrecht
Melissa Ashabranner
Vicki Butler
Gary Carleton
Todd Cymrot
Don Denton
Andy Didden
Jeanne Harrison
Jesse Heier, Ex Officio
Martha Huizenga
Brad Johnson, Ex Officio
Debra Keats
Nancy Lazear
James Loots
Maria Carolina Lopez
Peter May
Floyd Mills
Nichole Opkins
Brian Pate
Ebony Payne
Gary Peterson
Melanie Pittard
Martha Pope
Bob Scher
Dee Seward
Seth Shapiro
Buck Waller
Barbara Wells
Phyllis Jane Young

[The Foundation] provides our community with communication, leadership, and funds that make our community stronger and more just. If we didn’t have it, it would need to be created.
— Bill Phillips, (1944-2016), Member, Board of Directors, 2007-2016