our community
business partners
The Capitol Hill Community Foundation celebrates its outstanding Business Partners whose generosity helps support our grants program.
These Business Partners stand with the Foundation as we work to enrich the lives of our residents, enhance the beauty of our neighborhoods, and cherish the history of our community. We encourage our friends and neighbors to support these businesses whose owners have demonstrated their commitment to our community and its future.
look for this sticker to identify Business Partners
Join our growing list of Business Partners
Joining puts you in the company of the individuals and business owners whose annual financial donations support community initiatives large and small, help sustain community institutions, and encourage volunteer efforts benefitting all who live in the growing Capitol Hill community.
Make your donation online by clicking the Join Now button below, or download our printable form and mail it along with your donation.
Our current Business Partners are listed below.
Add your name to the list of Business Partners whose generosity has been an important part of the Foundation’s success.
Sustainer · $10,000 and Up
Capital Community News/Hill Rag
Investor · $5,000 - $9,999
Don Denton, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Jeanne Phil Meg Team, Compass Real Estate
Todd Litchfield, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Promoter · $2,500 - $4,999
Dierdre Fricke, Compass Real Estate
Frager’s Hardware
Loots Law
Pettie-Tubbs Team, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Yarmouth Management Company
Phyllis Jane Young, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Well Dunn Catering
Colleague · $1,000 - $2,499
Acqua al 2
Balance Gym
Blue Star
DC Access
Demian Wilbur Architects
East Capitol Dental, Dr. Larry Bowers and Dr. Langley Bowers
Gary Jankowski and Michael Schaeffer, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Grubb’s Care Pharmacy
Joel Nelson – Joel Nelson Group
Judi Seiden, Berkshire Hathaway/PenFed Realty
Nishan Halim, DMD
Stanton Development
Associate · $250 - $999
Atlas Vet
Bowers Fancy Dairy Products, Eastern Market
Carlyn Madden, Good Insight
Chuck Burger, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Clothes Encounters
Diverse Market Management
Doherty Investments, Myles Doherty
East City Bookstore
Eastern Market Pottery
Elsa Huxley, Compass Real Estate
Eye Central
First Savings Mortgage
Frame of Mine
Ginkgo Gardens
Heather Schoell, Berkshire Hathaway/Pen Fed Realty
John Parker, Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Johnson Law Group
The Kitchen Company
Lawlor Architects
Monarch Title
Reformation Fitness
Robert Benedetti, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist/Psychoanalyst
Rooted Pilates
Tom Faison, ReMax Allegiance
Union Meat @Eastern Market
Wilcox Electric